We believe in helping you achieve the best version of yourself. We do this by making FIT Happen!

Hi, I'm Jenn

Fit Happens has been a passion project for me for the last seven years and began out of a desire to create a fitness business that focused on the entirety of one’s wellness with a goal directed focus. What does this mean? It means we focus on your entire physical being: the training, the eating, the healthy relationship with your body, and a community of like minded others to support you along the way. Why have a goal directed focus? Because I’m also a believer that setting goals is essential on your way to being the best version of yourself. Ready to step up into the shoes of that person? Great! I look forward to working with you.

What We Offer

When you join the ‘Fitfam’ not only are you getting exclusive access to our unique and original content for workouts and nutrition, you are joining a community of like minded individuals with similar values and goals working together to better themselves and one another. Welcome to our tribe!

Tired of your lackluster routines?  Join the Fit Fam in person weekly for routines you can’t find anywhere else and people that will make you laugh while you sweat!

Accountability is crucial when working out and with our daily workouts and support group check ins, we will keep you motivated daily to crush your workout and reach your goals! 

Have you reached a plateau? Our unique monthly challenges tailored to you will push you to the next level of awesome. We will put you to the test regardless of your level of fitness.

I found myself overcome by extreme emotion today for all the amazing things that have transformed in my body and what I have accomplished since I have joined Fit Happens! Then along the way there are all these incredible unexpected surprises that come up while becoming healthier. 🙂

I went to a black tie event last night so needed to wear a fancy dress. I wore my prom dress, yes that's right and it fit! 17 years later and I can honestly say I felt like a million bucks! I did hit a funny obstacle while getting ready as well, one I never even thought of. None of my bras fit, I went through all of them and turns out they are all too big.

Then I woke up this morning and started to go through old clothes for my trip. Stuff that have not fit in years but I kept in the hopes that one day that would change. Well again more awesome surprises; I fit in jeans and a summer dress from 10 years ago as well as a few other articles of clothing. And to top it all off not one of my bathing suits fit - they are all way too big!

Thank you so much Jenn and everyone that has been such a huge support. I really feel grateful to have found Fit Happens and just feel great!"
Jill R. Taiji

Fit Happens is more than workouts and clean eating... it's a community.

Anyone who trains with us will tell you FIT Happens is about having FUN with your workouts while also moving in the direction of your goals. We have worked hard to create a community where like minded individuals push each other in the direction of their best selves.
I personally am committed to ensuring everyone in the Fitfam is striving to be their best and supporting others to do the same. I always love to hear from you regarding anything related to this site and community so we can continually improve what we bring to you.

Fit Fammers
Challenges Completed

What does goal setting have to do with fitness and why do I have to break up with my scale?

 I trained clients for years where there was little focus on anything other than weight loss, which I find (when it becomes the sole focus) to be so negative. I watched many clients whose days were made and broken based on a number on the scale. No focus on performance gains, muscle gain, fat loss. . . It seemed like such a counter-intuitive way to train. On top of not being motivating, training to the scale created poor lifestyle habits: if the scale was down, they’d reward themselves with unhealthy foods. If the scale was up, they would cut back on everything. Rather than adapting a clean eating lifestyle I watched people punish and reward themselves based on what their scales said. 

When I started FIT Happens my commitment was to training individuals to be their best and to me this meant they had to ditch their scales in exchange for solid concrete goals for themselves. Goal directed training has seen my clients realize the fittest, strongest versions of themselves imaginable. It has also enabled them to create sustainable lifestyle habits and the drive to strive for excellence.

How can you keep workouts continually fun and motivating?

By training to do things you have never done before, and by hitting out of sight goals and again and again. This feels rewarding, fulfilling and enjoyable;) Fit Happens is an embodiment of all of this. We truly do cater bootcamps to all levels of fitness.

We train new mothers, beginners, kids, athletes, and the every person just wanting to take their fitness to the next level, and truly be their best. That’s the only common thread, our fitfam is on a constant, continual path to bettering themselves. Oh, and they are all love a good time too. Come join us and let us help you reach your ultimate potential.

When Fit Happened, happened!

I wanted to introduce a training environment based entirely on performance gains and goal setting. Something that would be sustainable and enjoyable. I wanted to see what amazing things people could do if they were challenged, given the training, guidance, and ongoing support of others. I wanted to have clean eating dinners where we shared healthy recipes and cooking ideas. I wanted to form online communities for support, while at the same time offering coaching for healthier eating habits and healthier lifestyles. By introducing this focus and this way of training, weight loss became often inevitable, and at the same time took away my client’s stresses that I feel I used to witness continually. It also added the element of FUN. My feeling is that training should always be FUN.